Reading page

Main page dedicated to all things related to one of my hobbies, which is reading!

Playground by Aron Beauregard
Oblomov by Ivan Goncharov
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Reading log
My rants/quick thoughts about the books I read!

I've been in a reading slump for a while, if I can say so myself. I've finished some books before the end of this year, but this January I barely had the will to do ANYTHING, not just reading. I mean, I'm feeling better now, but for the past few weeks...
I need to read something easily "digestible" and/or light-hearted rn.
Recently, I started to have a problem: I start a lot of books, try to focus on few of them, but end up not finishing them. I try to read contemporary prose but it seems to be a hit or miss for me, I guess.
Book reviews
Just a compilation of my thoughts and feelings relating to the books I've read!

to be added