This place is more personal than the others for me, so tread carefully; my ramblings about life mostly with some short low-effort entries here and there
Kinda pissed off today because I found out my main blog on tumblr got shadowbanned for whatever reason😐
This is more of a reminder to myself than anything, but: Make bad art. Make bad videos. Take bad photos. Make bad things!! Not for the sake of them being bad, of course; it's in our human nature to try to do the best we can. Make them bad so that the next things you create are better than the last; because perfection, in itself, is unachievable.
clenched my jaw way too hard and I accidentally lost a piece of dental filling😭 Have to go to the dentist soon
They will never see my true worth. They will never acknowledge my accomplishments. They will not recognize my talent. Everything I do is mediocre to them and idk if I should care at this point. I'm not backing down on my unwillingness to play the rat race, but these thoughts still haunt me.
Chasing perfection stifles you, makes you unable to breathe and straps you of freedom. Imperfections, however, are inherently human and are a part of our nature. Sure, striving to become a better version of yourself is necessary for our growth, but when it is done just for the sake of the grind itself - this can be problematic.
And that's why I've decided to abandon this rat race altogether; my well-being is more important than my achievements and my "worth" as it is perceived by society.